Monday, December 17, 2012

Wrapping It Up, Literally!......

 Malls, you have seen the last of me.  I thought I was done two weeks ago.  Well, now I officially am!
 I am wrapping it up.  I am finished.  My Master Card is suffering from machine burn (related to carpet burn).  It will go no more.  The Shubzda elders are producing their own version of the "fiscal cliff". Our card has quit and so have I!  If it is on someones list and it is not in my house right now....well, it just won't be!
I love Christmas.  I love the music, the decorations, the cookies, the excitement of the season...but I am not a fan of the shopping process.  I have become a cyber shopper.  In the comfort of your own home, no parking problems, no gas burned, no lines to stand in and you can always count on free shipping.The UPS man is a regular visitor to my front door.  We are on a first name basis. If he wasn't rushing to make his rounds before midnight I would invite him in for coffee.  Maybe he could give me the scoop on what he drops on my neighbors doorstep.  He has a really interesting job you know.
But, there are just some things you have to see and touch in person...hence, the madness of a mall.
So now that the last present is wrapped and my charge card is in need of immediate debt reduction, I am going to BREATHE!!!  Maybe a glass of wine and a good book!  Who am I kidding?  There is laundry to do.

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