Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our Special Young Lady.....

Happy 27th Birthday Sara!!!

Today we celebrate another special birthday...Sara's. Twenty seven years ago our first and only daughter was born. I cannot even put into words the joy of hearing "it's a girl" in the delivery room. I had dreamed of pink forever and now it was dresses and bows and everything I could find frilly. Boys are special...but so are daughters and this one truly is.
Sara was in a car seat and on her way to her first soccer practice at 7 days old. Sara grew up playing in the dirt at every soccer field, baseball diamond, and football field. With three brothers there was no end to the athletic events she was drug to. She never whined or complained. She just took her bag of toys and snack box and made the most of the time we had to sit. She was the guys greatest cheerleader. Yes, she has played her own share of sports, done her dance classes and even joined a choir but she mostly watched her brothers. What a trooper!

Sara is kind and loving and giving and never forgets a date or a birthday or to remembers to say "I love you". She always reminds us when there is something on the calender we need to remember. She never ceases to amaze Jimmy and I. She was a precious gift twenty seven years ago and remains so today.

Happy Birthday Sweet Sara. We love you very much!!!!

1 comment:

  1. what cute pictures of sara and drew! happy belated birthdays to both of them! i didn't realize they were a day apart and both in September like Matt. Looking forward to seeing pictures of Brooklyn or Matthew soon. It's getting so close!
